Service Schedule
- Sundays
- 10:00 AM – Bible Study
- 11:00 AM – Morning Worship
- 5:00 PM - Evening Worship
- Wednesdays
- 7:00 PM – Bible Study
- (singing service every first Wednesday of the month)
Our Location
- 808 Sharon Avenue East
- Moses Lake, WA 98837
Contact Us
- Phone » (509) 765-5021
- Email »
Ministries and Activities
Building Community and Relationships:
FAMILY STYLE MINISTRIES – The members of the church seek to build community and relationships through hospitality. Members open up their homes, take people out for coffee, study the Bible together, and strengthen relationships with those in the church and those they seek to bring to Jesus Christ.
POTLUCK SUNDAY – Every second Sunday of each month the church has a communal potluck meal together after morning worship service. This allows us to build relationships with others and with our visitors. So if you’re a visitor, please join us.
MEN’S RETREAT – Each year the men of the congregation organize a retreat to learn how to be more like Christ, to build our relationships, to worship God, grow spiritually, and have fun!
WOMEN’S RETREAT – Each year the women of the congregation organize a retreat to learn how to be more like Christ, to build our relationships, to worship God, grow spiritually, and have fun!
Will you be a part of our community and experience
fulfilling relationships?
Experiencing God’s Grace and Making a Difference:
EVANGELISM – We seek to give the greatest gift we can to our family, friends, neighbors, and our co-workers and that is the gift of bringing them to Jesus Christ. Jesus is Lord and Savior. Through Him and Him alone can one be saved. That salvation means a relationship with God, heaven, eternal life, a transformed life, and a joy and peace that one can only experience through Him.
BENEVOLENCE – We emphasize loving one another and having faiths that show our love for one another. When needs arise in the church, the members of the church seek to help one another and try to help meet those needs.
SERVICE AND WORK PARTIES – The members schedule times throughout the year to help with the maintenance of our building and grounds and assist in repairs and landscaping for members in the church who may need help (such as widows).
Will experience the grace of God and make your life count
by making a difference?
Spiritual Formation and Transformation:
BIBLE CLASSES – We emphasize being changed by God’s Word and being sound in our doctrine. Therefore, we provide Bible classes for children of various ages and for adults. We have Bible classes and studies Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.
LADIES’ PRAYER NIGHT – Every month, the Tuesday following Potluck Sunday, the women gather together in a lady’s home for fellowship, encouragement, and prayer.
LECTURESHIPS – The church here sometimes hosts a lectureship to help strengthen and motivate our faith and service to God. Also, every year there are many great out of town lectureships that our members attend for great spiritual encouragement.
AREA WIDE SINGINGS – Every few months we and other churches of Christ in our area gather together to fellowship, worship, and praise God together.
Will you fulfill your purpose in life by glorifying and worship God
While being transformed to be like Jesus?